Re-composing Limbu rituals in the Nepal–Sikkim borderlands
FWF standalone project P 29805-G24 (2016-2021)
Hosted at CIRDIS, University of Vienna:
Trans-border Communities, Connections and Bordering Belonging and political membership across India’s borders
Project members and collaborators:
Project Leader
Mélanie Vandenhelsken (Curriculum Vitae [PDF])
Project members
Prem Chhetri (Curriculum Vitae [PDF])
Martin Gaenszle (Curriculum Vitae [PDF])
Main research collaborators in Sikkim and Nepal
In Sikkim: Buddhi L. Subba (Khamdhak), assistant professor, Limbu Dpt., Gyezing College (Curriculum Vitae [PDF])
In Nepal: D.B. Angbung, Limbuwan Study Center, Kirat Yakthung Chumlung, Lalitpur, Kathmandu (Curriculim Vitae {PDF])
Preparation of the archive
Lucie Bernroider (Curriculum Vitae [PDF])
Department of Anthropology, Sikkim University, Gangtok, India