Dear visitors,
please note that the Doctoral College (Initiativkolleg): “Cultural Transfers and Cross-Contacts in the Himalayan Borderlands” has ended and our website will no longer be updated.
For information on our ongoing research, events and activities please refer to the website of our Center for Interdisciplinary Research and Documentation of Inner and South Asian Cultural History (CIRDIS).
Workshop: Translating and Transferring Buddhist Literature: From Theory to Practice (Wednesday, 21st May 2014 from 9:00 to 18:00, SR 1 of the Dept. of South Asian, Tibetan and Buddhist Studies)
The workshop will be hosted by the CIRDIS IK “Cultural Transfers and Cross-Contacts in the Himalayan Borderlands” and the Khyentse Foundation Buddhist Translation Studies Program at the University of Vienna.
Conveners: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Klaus-Dieter Mathes and Mag. Gregory Forgues
Symposium: Sacred Topography and Cultural Transfers in the Himalayas [24-25|05|2013]
Symposium: Sacred Topography and Cultural Transfers in the Himalayas
(Organization: Prof. Dr. Klaus-Dieter Mathes)
Time and place:
Friday+Saturday, 24th and 25th of May 2013; University of Vienna, Department of South Asian, Tibetan and Buddhist Studies, Seminar Room 1.
Download: Invitation [PDF], Program [PDF]
Guest Lecture - Seira Tamang
Dr. Seira Tamang
"Patriarchal Claw Back:" framing female combatants and politicians in Nepal's transition
June 28, 18:00 c.t. Seminarraum 1
Department of South Asian, Tibetan and Buddhist Studies
Spitalgasse 2 (AAKH Campus), Hof 2.7
1090 Vienna
Guest Lecture - William Sax
Prof. Dr. William Sax
An Alternative Modernity in the Western Himalayas
June 14, 18:00 c.t. Seminarraum 1
South Asian, Tibetan and Buddhist Studies Department, Hof 2.7
Spitalgasse 2 (AAKH Campus)
1090 Vienna
Guest Lecture - Toni Huber
Prof. Dr. Toni Huber
Gods of Life: Documenting a Previously Unknown Form of Tibetan Religion in the Eastern Himalayas
June 6, 18:00 c.t. Seminarraum 1
South Asian, Tibetan and Buddhist Studies Department, Hof 2.7
Spitalgasse 2 (AAKH Campus)
1090 Vienna
Guest Lecture - Mona Schrempf
Dr. Mona Schrempf
Popular Pilgrimage Transformed: State Monasticism, 'Cham, and the Politics of Culture in Eastern Bhutan
June 5, 18:00 c.t. Seminarraum 1
South Asian, Tibetan and Buddhist Studies Department, Hof 2.7
Spitalgasse 2 (AAKH Campus)
1090 Vienna
Guest Lecture - Christine Guth
Dr. Christine Guth
Object Agency: Theoretical Approaches to Japanese Mortuary Rites for Inanimate Objects
May 30, 16:00 c.t. Seminarraum 1
Tibetan and Buddhist Studies Department, Hof 2.7
Spitalgasse 2 (AAKH Campus)
1090 Vienna
Public Presentation of Dissertation Projects Undertaken at the Philological and Cultural Studies Faculty
Summer Lecture Series 2011
Summer lecture series: "Von Alexander dem Großen bis zu den Kalifen – Von Persepolis bis Taxila. Zur rezenten archäologischen, kunsthistorischen und numimatischen Forschung."