Dissemination of Research


Mélanie Vandenhelsken and Martin Gaenszle

2019: “Limbu: Limbu Religion and the Remaking of the Community”, in Marine Carrin, Michel Boivin, Gérard Toffin, Paul Hockings, Raphaël Rousseleau, Tanka Subba, et Harald Lambs-Tyche (éds), Encyclopedia of the Religions of the Indigenous People of South Asia Online, Leiden: Brill;
https://dx.doi.org/10.1163 /2665-9093BEROCOM032248.

Mélanie Vandenhelsken

2016. “The Politics of ethnicity amongst the Limbu in Sikkim: literary development, religious reforms and the making of the community”, Irish Journal of Anthropology, Special Issue: Emerging Adivasi and Indigenous Studies II – Identity Assertions and Symbolic Re-appropriations in India, edited by L. Guzy and M. Carrin, vol. 19 no. 2, pp. 69-83. https://anthropologyireland.org/ija/archives

2020. Co-authored with Buddhi L. Khamdhak. “Loyalty, Resistance, Subalterneity: A History of Limbu ‘Participation’ in Sikkim”, Asian Ethnicity, Special Issue: Ancestrality, Migration, Rights and Exclusion: Citizenship in the Indian State of Sikkim, edited by M. Vandenhelsken, online 2020: https://doi.org/10.1080/14631369.2020.1763777

2021 (in press). “‘Ils ont transformé la divinité Yuma en Dieu !’ Recompositions religieuses et dissensions chez les Limbu du Sikkim”. In Mobilités Territoires et Pouvoirs en Himalaya, Dialogues posthumes avec Philippe Sagant, edited by Gisèle Krauskopff, Paris: Ateliers d’Anthropologie.

Martin Gaenszle

2016. Redefining Kiranti religion in contemporary Nepal. In: David N. Gellner, Sondra Hausner and Chiara Letizia (eds.), Religion, secularism, and ethnicity in contemporary Nepal. New Delhi: Oxford University Press, pp. 326-352.

2018. Bhakti and shamanism: Josmanī influence on the New Kiranti Religion. European Bulletin of Himalayan Research 52: 71-92.

2018. Introduction – Ritual speech in the Himalayas: oral texts and their contexts. In: Martin Gaenszle (ed.), Ritual speech in the Himalayas: oral texts and their contexts. Cambridge, M.A.: Harvard University Press. Harvard Oriental Series 93, pp. 3-15.


Mélanie Vandenhelsken

2017: “‘They have turned a deity into a God’. Sanitized religion versus Animism among the Limbu in Sikkim”, International Workshop: Changes and Continuities in the Religious Landscape of Northeast India, Guhawati (North Eastern Social Research Centre, Guwahati, India, and Department of Estonian and Comparative Folklore and Asian Centre, University of Tartu, Estonie).

2018: “Re-composing rituals across frontiers and boundaries among Limbus in Sikkim and Nepal” (panel, Ritual flows and ruptures in Northeast India), and convenor of the panel Transborder peoples in Northeast India. Conference: Locating North-East India: Human Mobility, Resource Flows, and Spatial Linkages, Université de Tezpur University (Assam, Inde).

2018: “Limbu through the Nepal-Sikkim border: Displacing the boundaries to make the community” (panel, Borders between the Bay of Bengal and the Himalayas: Locating spaces in Northeast India); and discussant in the panel Borders and Boundaries in Asia, Borders in South Asia. Association for Borderlands Studies World Conference 2018, Vienna, Austria.

2018: “Limbu through the Nepal-Sikkim border: displacing the boundaries to make the community”. International Conference, Borderlands Spaces: Ruins, Revival(s) and Resources, Asian Borderlands Research Networks, American University of Central Asia, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan.

2019: “The Limbu in Sikkim: part and resistant to the kingdom”, fifteenthconference of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Paris, Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales, Paris.

2019: “A community as borderland, the Limbu in Sikkim: Cultural bordering, trans-border mobility and national belonging” (panel Connectivity, Mobility and Borders: Continuity and Change in Northeast India). 11th International Convention of Asia Scholars (Leiden University, GIS Asie et IIAS), Leiden, Netherland.

2019: “Mobile goods, cheap labour, and illegal settlement: Experiencing transnationalism in the Nepal-Sikkim borderland”. Yearly conference of the Swiss Anthropological Association (“The Global as Method: Ethnographic Scales in the 21st century”), Geneva.

Martin Gaenszle

2017: „Journeys to the Realm of Bad Death in Kiranti Funeral Rites“, Conference „Encounters with the Invisible: Revisiting Possession in the Himalayas in its Material and Narrative Aspects”, Marçay, France (CNRS, Université Paris-Nanterre & Collège de France).

2018: “The Limbu Script and the Production of Religious Books in Nepal”, Workshop on “Manuscript, Print and Publication Cultures in South Asia: From the 19th Century to the Present”, Vienna University.

2019: “Documenting Himalayan borderland cultures: CIRDIS and ethnographic archiving”, Panel “Asian Studies”, “The 2nd Joint Workshop Kyoto University-University of Vienna”, Kyoto


Project-related data will be archived in the Himalayan Archive Vienna and Phaidra the Repository of the University of Vienna.