Dear visitors,

please note that our National Research Network "The Cultural History of the Western Himalaya from the 8th Century (S98)" - generously sponsored by the Austrian Science Fund - has ended on June 30th 2013. For that reason this website will no longer be updated on a regular basis.

For information on our ongoing research, events and activities please refer to the website of our Center for Interdisciplinary Research and Documentation of Inner and South Asian Cultural History (CIRDIS).

BBC series "Heritage Heroes" featured André Alexander's "Leh Old Town Initiative"

André Alexander's "Leh Old Town Initiative" (Loti) was recently featured in the BBC series "Heritage Heroes" where outstanding conservation and urban renewal projects are presented.
Follow >this link< for further information.

"Der Weg ist das Ziel": Alte Pilgerwege im westlichen Himalaya

Der Weg ist das Ziel, Picture 1 Der Weg ist das Ziel, Picture 1

Article on the CHWH in the University of Vienna's online news  "dieuniversitaetonline", August 2008.

Globalisierung: Baywatch versus Kamasutra

Baywatch versus Kamasutra

Article in the Austrian Newspaper "Die Presse", June 2008.

Austrian of the Year 2007 – Science

DKS receiving the Austrian of the Year 2007 Award

Dr. Johannes Hahn, Minister for Science and Research congratulates Prof. Deborah Klimburg-Salter for the Award “Austrian of the Year 2007 – Science”. It was granted her on 22.10.07 in the Arsenal, in Vienna within the gala “Austria 2007” for her extraordinary achievements. 
Prof. Klimburg-Salter, who comes originally from the US, deals extensively with Afghanistan and the endangered Buddhist culture in the Himalaya. She examines the cultural history of the whole region, which is a melting pot for Chinese, Tibetan, Indian and Persian traditions. Federal minister Hahn is especially impressed by the respect that she shows for foreign cultures.
Prof. Deborah Klimburg-Salter received her PhD 1976 at Harvard University and the Habilitation 1989 at the University of Vienna. Since 1996 she is professor for Asian art history at the University of Vienna.
(link to original article)

DKS receiving the Austrian of the Year 2007 Award DKS receiving the Austrian of the Year 2007 Award DKS receiving the Austrian of the Year 2007 Award

2007 Jikji Prize awarded to Austria’s Phonogrammarchiv

Jikji Prize - Dr. Schueller

The Phonogrammarchiv under the direction of longterm FSP collaborator Dr. Dietrich Schüller was recently awarded with the 2007 UNESCO/Jikji Memorie of World Price in Korea.

Forschung zwischen Taliban und Dalai Lama

Forschung zwischen Taliban und Dalai Lama

Article on Prof. Deborah Klimburg-Salter in the Austrian newspaper "Die Presse", August 2007.