Dear visitors,

please note that our National Research Network "The Cultural History of the Western Himalaya from the 8th Century (S98)" - generously sponsored by the Austrian Science Fund - has ended on June 30th 2013. For that reason this website will no longer be updated on a regular basis.

For information on our ongoing research, events and activities please refer to the website of our Center for Interdisciplinary Research and Documentation of Inner and South Asian Cultural History (CIRDIS).

CTRC Symposium + Heritage Preservation Workshop: Vienna, 5-8th of April 2011

Thumbnail imageFrom 5th to 9th of April 2011 members of the FWF-NFN CHWH together with the IFD CIRDIS of the University of Vienna and the CTRC held the symposium "The Art and Cultural History of Central and Western Tibet, 8th to 15th century" and the workshop "Cultural Heritage Preservation".

Panel of the subproject Tibetan Inscriptions at the 12th Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Vancouver 15-21 August 2010

KT Vancouver 2010 - Buddha Life - Tsaparang

The panel was organized by Cristina Scherrer-Schaub and Kurt Tropper (both members of the subproject Tibetan Inscriptions) and held on the 17th of August, 2-6 pm.


"Archaeology, Art History, and Numismatics between Iran and India", Vienna 2009

The workshop took place October 22nd at the Department of Art History of the University of Vienna. It aimed to present and combine the most recent results of numismatic and sigillographic research on the Iranian Huns.


Cultural Flows across the Western Himalaya", Shimla 2009

IIAS Conference 2009, Shimla - Group Photo 1

The Confercence, jointly sponsored by the University of Vienna, the Center for Interdisciplinary Research and Documentation, the Austrian Science Fund / The Cultural History of the Western Himalaya and the Indian Institute of Advanced Study Shimla, took place from 15th to 18th of April 2009 at the IIAS in Shimla, India.


Training Course at the JNU in Delhi October 2008

JNU 2008, group photo

The training course for 8 members from the National Museum of Afghanistan in Kabul was held at the Jawaharlal Nehru University (Delhi) under the joint sponsorship of the Gerda Henkel Fund in Germany and the University of Vienna (the Center for Interdisciplinary Research and Documentation of Inner and South Asian Cultural History (CIRDIS) ), the Austrian Science Fund (FWF), as well as the Kunsthistorisches Museum (Vienna), the Austrian Academy of Sciences in collaboration with the Jawaharlal Nehru University (Institute of Advanced Studies (JNIAS) and the School of Arts and Aesthetics) Delhi.


Participation of the subproject Art History at the European Association of South Asian Archaeologists, Ravenna 2-6 July 2007

EASAA, Ravenna 2007, group photo

The following members of the Art History subproject participated in the 19th EASAA Conference: E. Allinger, A Filigenzi, D. Klimburg-Salter, ..


Seminar on History and Art Culture of Tibetan Buddhism

Beihing 2007, group photo 1

Beijing (China), 7-10 June, 2007

The seminar was organized by the China Tibetology Research Center (CTRC, Zhongguo zangxue yanjiu zhongxin) in order to promote contact and academic exchanges between major institutions in China involved in Tibetan studies and the research team of the Research Platform/CIRDIS of the University of Vienna, and to explore the possibility of scientific cooperation agreement. Seventeen...


Reconsecration of the Nako Temples, 2007

Nako 2007, reconsecration 1

Since 2000 the Buddhist complex consisting of four temples in Nako, Kinnaur has been studied, preserved and partially reconstructed at the request of the local Buddhist Community within the Nako Research and Preservation Project (NRPP). Indigenous...