Exhibition "Bön. Geister aus Butter -Kunst & Ritual des alten Tibet"
"BÖN. Geister aus Butter - Kunst & Ritual des alten Tibet".
Special exhibition featuring live ritual performances over the course of one month.
February 1st - March 1st 2013
Museum of Ethnology, Neue Burg, Heldenplatz, 1010 Wien.
Exhibition Catalogue: http://www.univie.ac.at/boen_geisterausbutter/e-publikation/
Seminar Student's Exhibition Website: http://www.univie.ac.at/boen_geisterausbutter
Exhibition Website (museum): http://www.weltmuseumwien.at/besuchen/ausstellungen/archiv/2013/boen-geister-aus-butter/
Vernissage of our Exhibition "Geister aus Butter"
The vernissage of the exhibition „Bon. Spirits of Butter – Art and Ritual of old Tibet” took place before hundreds of guests in the central court of the Vienna Museum of Ethnology on Janury 31st 2013 and we dare say was a huge success.
Lama Yangön Sherab Tenzin, an important tantric master and lineage keeper of Bon tradition, and seven lamas from Nepal presented a first impression of the ritual art of the Bon religion. The raising of five flag poles was accompanied by a ritual performance, which gave the guests the opportunity to experience up close the traditional sounds and Tibetan ritual dance (cham). The final performance, which also included the participation of the visitors in the exhibition space, was the ritual purification of the altar room.
Invitation including program: Exhibition Opening [PDF]
Photos: K. Pani/R. Steyer (Department of Art History, University of Vienna)
Impressions from the Exhibition
Some impressions of the ritual performances and events during our one month special exhibition "Bön - Geister aus Butter" at the Museum of Ethnology Vienna.
Photos: U. Niebuhr, K. Pani, R. Steyer, J. Schörflinger, V. Ziegler (Department of Art History, University of Vienna)