@@ // //ston pa gshen rab sku la phyag 'tshal lo/ dar sri gnon pa'i cho ga la
rdzas bsag pa ni/ mda' dar g.yang gzhi dkar nag bal ṃtshon/ sho gcig ṃe long 'bras zan thug pa ṃar khu'i bog
ras rdza lung skes theṃs bye ṃa'i la dgu/ sde'u dkar nag bcas brtsos sgong pa re ba stag pa/ glang ma zas sna ṃar
chang/; dbal bshos rtse dgu'i dbang skur la sogs bsogs/ gnan pa'i thod pa la/ stag g.yag spyang gsuṃ/ sprel ra
khyi gsuṃ; bya sre ṃong byi ba'i thod pa dgu'o/ 'gal ba dang ṃnyaṃs la gnan/ thod pa'i dpral bar rdore (rdo rje) rgya graṃ bris/
ltag pa la g.yung-drung rgya graṃ/ 'tshus pa la khraṃ rgya graṃ bris/ 'graṃ pa de la bon chos rtsis gsuṃ gyis 'ching zer () ba bri
Homage to the presence of the Teacher gShen rab. As for the requisites to be collected for the ritual for the cereṃony for the subjugation of the Dar Sri: an arrow with coloured cloths, a black and a white base for the g.yang, coloured wool; a die, a mirror, cooked rice, noodles, a set of clothing filled with butter (?), [a series of] “slaty valleys”, a step-ladder, nine passes made of sand, white and black pebbles, balls of wool dyed with ṃadder, birch [wood?], willow [wood?], different varieties of food, buttered beer, [requireṃents for an initiation] of the nine-peaked dbal bshos [gtor ma] – these should be gathered together. The skulls for the subjugation are the following: tiger, yak and wolf – those three; monkey, goat and dog – those three; bird, weasel and rat – nine in all. The subjugation should be done together with the traps. Draw a crossed vajra on the forepart of the skull, a cross of swastikas on the occiput, and a khram cross on the section of the skull between the nose and the eyes (mtshul pa < tshur pa); Write “Bind with Bon, Chos and rTsis, those three”.