In this section, texts, images and videos are from Charles Ramble. This content will unfortunately remain in a draft state.

@@ // //ston pa gshen rab sku la phyag 'tshal lo/ dar sri gnon pa'i cho ga la
rdzas bsag pa ni/ mda' dar g.yang gzhi dkar nag bal ṃtshon/ sho gcig ṃe long 'bras zan thug pa ṃar khu'i bog
ras rdza lung skes theṃs bye ṃa'i la dgu/ sde'u dkar nag bcas brtsos sgong pa re ba stag pa/ glang ma zas sna ṃar
chang/; dbal bshos rtse dgu'i dbang skur la sogs bsogs/ gnan pa'i thod pa la/ stag g.yag spyang gsuṃ/ sprel ra
khyi gsuṃ; bya sre ṃong byi ba'i thod pa dgu'o/ 'gal ba dang ṃnyaṃs la gnan/ thod pa'i dpral bar rdore (rdo rje) rgya graṃ bris/
ltag pa la g.yung-drung rgya graṃ/ 'tshus pa la khraṃ rgya graṃ bris/ 'graṃ pa de la bon chos rtsis gsuṃ gyis 'ching zer () ba bri
Homage to the presence of the Teacher gShen rab. As for the requisites to be collected for the ritual for the cereṃony for the subjugation of the Dar Sri: an arrow with coloured cloths, a black and a white base for the g.yang, coloured wool; a die, a mirror, cooked rice, noodles, a set of clothing filled with butter (?), [a series of] “slaty valleys”, a step-ladder, nine passes made of sand, white and black pebbles, balls of wool dyed with ṃadder, birch [wood?], willow [wood?], different varieties of food, buttered beer, [requireṃents for an initiation] of the nine-peaked dbal bshos [gtor ma] – these should be gathered together. The skulls for the subjugation are the following: tiger, yak and wolf – those three; monkey, goat and dog – those three; bird, weasel and rat – nine in all. The subjugation should be done together with the traps. Draw a crossed vajra on the forepart of the skull, a cross of swastikas on the occiput, and a khram cross on the section of the skull between the nose and the eyes (mtshul pa < tshur pa); Write “Bind with Bon, Chos and rTsis, those three”.

@@ // //ba yin; ling+ga thod pa'i nang la bcug/ shang nas kha ru bcug/ ya kha la stag pa'i
byang bu ma kha la glang ṃa'i byang bu/ de gnyis bar du ling+ga thel du bcug/ ling+ga sngags 'di bskor; //oṃ na sri ni
huṃ dza; ni tri ni huṃ dza/ du tri ni huṃ dza/ dun tri ni huṃ dza/ daṃ sri pho mo thaṃd (thaṃs cad) kyis snying la
thuṃ hril nan/ yig ṃgo phyir la bstan la/ daṃ sri pho mo thaṃd (thams cad) kyis kha chings shig/ che sri
thaṃd (thams cad) kyis kha chings shig/ chung sri thaṃd (thams cad) kyis=/ nor sri thaṃd (thams cad)=/ god sri=/ phung sri thaṃd (thams cad) kyis=/
A linga should be placed inside a skull; insert it into the mouth through the nose. Insert a tablet of birch through the upper teeth, and a tablet of willow in the lower teeth, and place the effigy completely between them. Write the following mantras around the perimeter of the effigy: om na sri ni hum dza; ni tri ni hum dza/ du tri ni hum dza/ dun tri ni hum dza/ may the dam sri, male and female … the tops of the letters should face outwards. [Write the following:] “The mouths of all the male and female dam sri should be bound up, and the mouths of all the che sri should be bound up. The mouths of all the chung sri …(rpt); the mouths of all the nor sri …(rpt); the god sri…(rpt); …of all the phung sri…(rpt);

dur sri thaṃs-cad kyis=/ ṃa ra ya chings chings nan nan/ ces bris-so/ ling-ga'i spyi bor auṃ/ snying khar tri/ pung pa g.yas g.yon
la pung zhes bris/ ṃchan khung gyas-su khri/ g.yon du huṃ/ bla la bla dag 'doṃs-su rbad zhes bris/ ṃnan pa'i dus su bsrung ṃa la gtor-ṃa
'bul; lha bro rdung / gzir ṃnan legs par bya/ de ltar byas pa'i yon ṃchod bkra-shis la zhal gro'o/ //kyai ston pa gshen
rab ṃi bo yis/ sri yi yas dang rdzas bsags ste/ sri dang po zur gsuṃ 'og tu ni/ dkar-nag
ri ṃo rgya'i btab/ srin ṃo gso' ba 'di ltar gso/ nyon cig daṃ sri ṃgo dgu ṃa/ khyod
srin yul ṃun pa'i gling na ṃi gdug-gaṃ/ rgya ṃtsho'i nang na ṃi drang ngaṃ/ sa riṃ pa dgu'i
('og tu ṃi 'dug-gaṃ/ srin ṃo nag ṃo 'dug pa ni/ sa riṃ pa)
of all the dur sri …(rpt); MA RA YA CHINGS CHINGS NAN NAN—this is what is to be written. On the crown of the effigy write AUM; on the heart, KHAR TRI; on the right and left shoulders PUNG; in the right armpit KHRI, and in the left HUM; on the limbs (bla = brla) BLA DAG; on the privy parts write RBAD—this is to be written. When [the sri] is being subjugated, tormas should be offered to the protectors, and a sacred dance performed; it should be thoroughly pressed down. Doing this will be fortunate and auspicious for the patron and the priest. Kyai! After accumulating all the ritual items and requisites for the Sri [ritual] of sTon pa gshen rab, for the first sri [or, as for the sri, first:] black and while seals should be attached to the bottom of the triangle. The feeding of the srin mo should performed as follows. Listen, Nine-headed Dam sri! Are you not in the dark continent, the land of the Srin? Are you not cold in that ocean? Are you not at the bottom of the nine levels? Black srin mo, you who are dwelling there, under the nine levels,

dgu'i 'og shed na/ sri dgu 'khun pa ding-se ding/ las kyis ṃun pa thibs-se thibs/
sdug bsngal rgya ṃtsho ṃe re re/ 'dod chags chu bo rba glong 'khrug/ de la ṃing dang ṃtshan gsol
ba; srin yul ṃun pa'i sṃag ruṃ na/ las kyis ṃun pa de na gnas/ dṃyal ba'i chu tshan de
na 'khol/ sdug bsngal ri bo de na lci/ de'i lta bu'i nang shed na/ sri'i pha dang yab kyis ṃtshan/
pha ni yag sha kar ti kar/ sri'i ṃa dang yuṃ gyis ṃtshan/ ṃa ni rigs ngan dug chu ṃa/ ṃa'i
lus la bu gnyis skyes/ pha'i bu la sṃon-laṃ btab/ ṃa'i bu ṃo sṃon-laṃ btab/ ṃa'i sṃon laṃ
the Nine Sri moan dings se ding; the darkness of karma (?) masses like clouds thibs se thibs, and the ocean of suffering rolls me-re-re; the waves of the waters of desire heave/are agitated. What is this called, what is its name? In the dense darkness of the land of the Srin, there you dwell in the darkness of karma, there the hot water of hell boils, there the mountain of suffering weighs down heavily. In a place such as this was the father of the Sri, named Yag sha kar ti kar, and the mother of the Sri named Rigs ngan dug [m]chu ma. The mother bore two children. The father prayed for a son, and the mother prayed for a daughter.

ṃthu btsan nas/ sri ni byung yang bu ṃo byung / ltas ngan bu ṃo ya so can/ khog pas nang
nas ya so skyes/ pha'i khros nas thal dong nang du skyur/ ṃa'i gces nas pang du blangs/ slar
la bu ṃo khyug de byung/ ṃa'i rjes-su gsos pa dang / de la pha'i ṃing btags pa/ sbas pa'i bu ṃo thal
ṃdog ṃa/ de la ṃa'i ṃing btags pa/ khro ṃo nag ṃo ro lang ṃa/ de la ṃing po'i ṃing btags pa/
bu ṃo ṃa gsos legs ṃa yis/ de la zhang po'i ṃing btags pa/ srin ṃo daṃ zur legs ṃa yin/
rgung lo dgu ni lon tsaṃ na/ ṃi yul gling du 'gro'o zer/ srin ṃo daṃ zur legs ṃo ste/ na
The mother's prayer was more powerful, and she bore a Sri, she bore a daughter: an ill-omened daughter with upper teeth, teeth that had grown while she was in her mother's belly. The father was enraged, and flung her into a pit of ashes. Her mother cared for her, she took her to her bosom, and the girl again quickened and came to life. The mother later looked after her, and the father gave her a name: Ash-coloured Girl who was Buried. The mother gave her a name, Black Raging Woman, Risen Corpse; her brother gave her a name, Lovely Uncared-for Girl. Her maternal uncle (zhang po) gave her a name: Srin mo Dam zur legs ma (Legs ma who shirks her commitments). When she reached the age of nine, she said, "I shall go to the land of humans". And the demoness Dam zur legs mo

chung g.yu'i lan 'tshal can/ dar gos gon pa gcig du rdzus (rjus)/ //ston pa gshen
rab ṃi bo de/ srin yul gling du ṃar la byon/ ston pa gshen rab ṃi bo yang/ dbal gyis khye'u
chung gser gyis thor gtsug can/ rta dkar zhon pa gcig tu rdzus (rjus)/ ston pa yas ṃas byon pa dang /
srin ṃo ṃas yar 'ong ba gnyis/ srin yul dug ṃtsho 'khol ṃa dang / srin brag nag po 'graṃ
bshed nas/ gzur pa ṃed pa'i 'phrang la 'jal/ srin ṃo'i ston pa ngo ṃa shes/ ston pa'i srin
ṃo ngos ṃa bzung / srin ṃo de'i ṃchid na re/ dbal gyis khye'u chung zur phud can/ rta dkar zhon
disguised herself as a young woman wearing a silken robe with turquoise braided into her plaits (lan ’tshal). sTon pa gShen rab mi bo was travelling down to the realm of the ogres. sTon pa gshen rab mi bo too had disguised himself as Powerful Young Man with the Golden Crown, riding a white horse. sTon pa was travelling down, and the demoness, who was travelling up, met on a trail where it was not possible to make way (gzur ba), at the edge of the boiling Poison Lake of the demon-realm and the black demon-crag. The Demoness did not recognise sTon pa, and sTon pa did not recognise the Demoness. The Demoness said, "Mighty Youth, with the Topknot (zur phud), you,

pa'i ṃi dkar khyod/ da nang 'ong ba gang nas 'ong / do nub 'gro ba gang du 'gro/ pha'i ṃing la ci
skad zer/ ṃa'i ṃing la ci skad zer/ khyod rang ṃing la ci skad zer/ rus pa'i ṃing la ci skad zer/
khyod ni btang pa su'i btang / khyod ni don pa su la don/ bu ṃo de skad sṃras pa dang / ston pa gshen
rabs zhal na re/ bu ṃo na chung ṃdzes gdug khyod/ g.yu yi lan phan ṃdzes ṃa can/ da nang
yong ba gang nas 'ong / do nub 'gro ba gang du 'gro/ pha'i ṃing la ci skad zer/ ṃa'i ṃing la ci=/
khyod rang ṃing la=/ rus pa'i ṃing la=/ zhang po ṃing la=/ ṃing po'i ṃing la=/ khyod ni btang pa su'i
white rider on your white horse, where have you come from this morning, and where are you going tonight? what is your father's name? What is your mother's name? What is your name? What is the name of your bone, your clan? Who was it that sent you? For whom have you come? So said the girl, and sTon pa gshen rab replied, "You, beautiful young woman, you with the beautiful turquoise-braided plaits (lan phran), where have you come from today, where will you go tonight? What is your father's name? What is your mother's name? What is your name? What is the name of your bone, your clan? What is the name of your sister's huband (zhang po)? Who was it

btang ; khyod ni don pa su la don// de skad ces ni sṃras pa dang / srin ṃo nag ṃo
ṃchid na re/ nga da nang srin yul ṃun pa'i gling nas 'ong / do nub ṃi yul gling du 'gro// pha ni shan
pa kar te kar/ ṃa ni rigs ngan dug ṃchu ṃa/ zhang po she'u ru dkar yin/ nga'i rus pa she za yin/
btang pa pha ṃa gnyis kyis btang / don pa skye 'gro yongs la don/ skyes pa pho brgya'i srog la 'jab tu
'gro/ ṃo brgya'i sri la rku ru 'gro// chung brgya'i bla la 'jab tu 'gro// ṃi rnaṃs kun la gnod du 'gro/
srin ṃo'i de skad sṃras pa dang / ṃi dkar rta dkar zhal na re/ nga da nang 'ong ba gshin yul stod na 'ong /
that sent you? For whom have you appeared?" So he said. The black demoness said, "I have come this morning from the dark realm of the demons, and tonight I shall go to the realm of humans. My father is the Butcher Kar te kar; my mother is Low-born Poison-lips; my sister's husband is She'u ru dkar, and my bone, my clan, is She za. As for who sent me, my father and mother it was who sent me; it is for all living beings that I have appeared. I shall snatch ('jab) the lives of a hundred men; I am going to steal the children (sri) of a hundred women; I am going to snatch the souls of a hundred children; I am going to bring harm to all humans". So said the Demoness. The white rider said, "As for where I have come from this morning, I have come from (na for nas) the upper realm of the gshen,

do nub 'gro ba srin yul gling du 'gro// pha ni gshen lha 'od dkar yin; ṃa ni gshen za brgyan
can yin/ nga rang gshen-rab ṃi bo yin/ nga'i rus pa gshen yin no// btang pa pha ṃa gnyis kyis
btang ; don pa phung sri yongs la don/ srin pho rigs thaṃs-cad bsod du 'gro// ṃo rigs thaṃs-cad bzung zhing gnon/
chung rigs thaṃs-cad za ru 'gro// bu ṃo khyod kyang ṃi btang ngo// gser gyis gri chung 'jur gyis bton// bu
ṃo'i ṃthong rtsar tsir gyis bzung / bu ṃo ṃa gsos legs ṃo khyod// tshig gsuṃ sṃra na drang la sṃros/
goṃs gsuṃ khyod la 'gro dbang ṃed/ de skad ces ni sṃras pa dang / daṃ sri nag ṃo had kyis srangs/ daṃ
and tonight I shall go to the realm of the Demons; my father is gShen lha 'od dkar, my mother is gShen za brgyan can, and I myself am gShen rab mi bo. My bone, my clan, is gShen; as for who sent me, it was my father and mother who sent me. It is for all Phung-vampires that I have appeared, and I am going to kill all male demons, and I am going to capture and oppress all their womenfolk, and to eat all their children. Nor shall I spare you, girl!" And all at once ('jur gyis) he drew his dagger, and he seized the girl firmly by her chest. "You, Lovely Girl who was Uncared for, if you have a few words to say, say them with sincerity; you have no power to go even a few steps". So he said, and the black Demoness was suddenly terrified;

sri legs ṃa ṃchid na re/ a a da ni ci ṃa gsungs/ khyed ston pa yin pa ngo ṃa
shes; gshen rab yin pa don ṃa rtogs// khyed kyis sku la ṃi sdo'o// ston pa'i rigs la ṃi rnyog go//
'a bu ṃa bsad ṃa bcad na/ ston pa'i ci gsung bka' la nyan/ gang gsung ngad kyis bka' ṃi bcog// nga
ni ṃi yul gling du ṃi 'gro'o// khyed srin yul gling la ṃa byon cig/ de skad srin ṃo sṃra ba dang /
ston pa gri chung shub la bcug/ dbal bshos rtse dgu'i byin-gyis-rlabs/ ṃa gsos legs ṃa tshur gson dang /
nga'i a kyang ku re yin/ khyod ni ṃi bsad ṃi bcad do// khyod ni nga'i sru ṃo yin/ nga ni khyod kyi
and the lovely Dam sri said, "Oh, what are you saying? I hadn't recognised you as sTon pa, I hadn't realised you were gShen rab. I shall not compete with you; I would not cause trouble to the sTon pa family. If you do not kill or harm me, I shall do whatever you tell me to, I shall not disobey your orders. I shall not go to the realm of humans, and you, do not go to the realm of the demons!" So said the Demoness. Then sTon pa returned his dagger to its sheath, and bestowed the blessing of the dBal bshos rtse dgu. "Listen to me, Lovely Girl who was Uncared for! I don't mean it, I'm only joking. I shall not kill you, I shall not harm you. You are my mother's kin, and I am your

tsha'o yin/ khyod kyis rus pa she za yin/ nga'i rus pa gshen yin no// gshen dang she za sru ṃtshan
yin; 'u rang sru ṃtshan 'phrad pa la/ bsad dang bcad pa ga la srid/ 'u rang gnyis po ṃched gcig bya/
dbal bshos rtse dgu ṃgo la bzhag/ sna chu thig gsuṃ khang du btang / nga yang srin yul gling du ṃi 'gro'o/
khyod ṃi yul gling du ṃa 'gro cig/ naṃ zhig dus kyis tha ṃa la/ nga la dgos pa'i dus 'byung na/
bos na khyi'i sla bar shog// bzung na lug ṃar sla () bar shog// steg na bal bas yang bar shog// ṃnan
na sa'i non par shog// bzang po de ni chad yin no// ngan pa de ni chad ṃa yin/ ṃna' ni lto ru
nephew (tsha'o). Your clan is She za, and mine is gShen. gShen and She za are sru and mtshan. At this meeting of ours, of maternal uncle and nephew, how could there be killing or harming? The two of us are mched gcig (? companions? siblings?); let us place the dBal bshos rtse dgu on our heads, let us pour (btang) three drops of oath-water (sna chu = mna' chu) into our bellies (khang for khong). Neither shall I go to the realm of the Demons, nor shall you go to the realm of humans. If ever, in the distant future, there is a time when the need arises, if I call you, come more readily than a dog; if I seize you, you must be easier to catch than a sheep; if I lift you, may you be lighter than wool; if I tread you down, be more treadable than the earth; [To do] good things is our agreement/engagement; [doing] bad things isn’t in our agreement. Do not

ṃa za gcig/ nga dang khyod gnyis chad yin no/ dpang po stag la ṃe 'bar bzhu// nga
la dgos pa'i dus byung nas/ sru ṃo 'bod du btang pa na/ khyod 'gyur ba ṃed pa 'ong dgos so// de
skad ces ni sṃra ba dang / sru ṃtshan chad ni so sor bgyes/ der srin ni 'gyur ba ṃed par dang / bos
na 'ong ba de ltar ro// ṃna' chad gnyis po dgos pa yin/ de ltar dbal bshos rtse dgu'i dbang bskur dang /
ṃar chang su ba byed pa dang / de'i rgyu ṃtshan de yin no/ ce brjod/ bon 'di ni sri'i rgyab bsten bkral ba'i cho ga zhes
bya ste 'di skad do/ b+hyo dang po gnaṃ dang sa ru bshos/ de nas lho dang byang du bshos/ de nas nyin dang srib du
renege on your oath, eating it as you eat food; I and you have a special promise. Let us ask sTag la me 'bar to act as witness. Should the time come when I need you, and I send someone to fetch you, aunt, you must come without deviating". So he spoke, and the aunt and the nephew who had made their promise separately. That is why the vampires (srin mo) are constant and why, if you call them, them, they come. Both the mna’ and the chad (the internal oath and the details of the agreement) were implemented (dgos pa for bsgos). That is the reason for the consecration of the dBal bshos rtse dgu, and the reason why [people] are received with butter and beer. This next teaching (bon) is called the “ritual for the detatchment of support for the vampire” and this is how it is recited: Bhyo! First, separate (bshos for shos) into sky and earth; then separate into south and north; then separate into sunlight and shade;

bshos;; de nas srin dang srid du bshos// gser ri gong ṃa'i gangs 'tshaṃs-su/ ṃi srid srid pa'i tho cig
la; shel rgong dkar po cig tu srid/ shel gyis ṃi po dkar po byung / chibs-su shel rta dkar-po chibs/
phyag na shel zhags dkar po bsnaṃs/ snga zhags ṃda' ltar 'phen cing / phyi zhags 'brug ltar 'dril/ gser
skyeṃs ser po'i ṃchod pa 'bul/ g.yu skyeṃs sngon po ṃchod pa 'bul/ ngan pa sri'i rgyab brten ṃa
ṃdzad cig/ yang gcig ṃi srid srid pa'i thog ṃa la/ gzi'i ṃi po gcig byung pa/ chibs-su
gzi rta rkang gsuṃ chibs/ phyag na gzi'i zhags pa thogs/ snga zhags ṃda' ltar 'phen cing / phyi zhags
then separate into srin and srid; at the boundary of the glaciers of the supreme golden mountains, on a cairn that only just existed, a white crystal egg came into being, and a white crystal man appeared. He rode a white crystal horse as his mount, and in his hand he held a white crystal noose. First he flung the noose like an arrow, then the noose wound around like a dragon. (I?) make offerings to you of the yellow libation of turquoise; (I?) make libations to you of the blue libation of turquoise. Do not support the evil vampire! And again, at the very beginning of existence in non-existence, there appeared a man of agate (gzi). As his mount he rode a three-legged horse of gzi, and in his hand he held a noose of gzi. First he flung the noose like an arrow, then

sbrul ltar khyug yi/ gser skyeṃs ser po'i ṃchod pa 'bul/ g.yu skyeṃs sngon po'i ṃchod
pa 'bul/ ngan pa sri'i rgyab brten ṃa ṃdzad cig/ yang cig srid pa'i tho cig la/ lcags kyis ṃi po
nag po cig/ chibs-su lcags rta rkang gsuṃ chibs/ phyag na lcags kyis ṃda' gzhu bsnaṃs/ snga zhags ṃda'
ltar 'phen cing/ phyi zhags sbrul ltar dril yi/ gser skyeṃs ser po ṃchod pa 'bul/ g.yu skyeṃs sngon
po'i ṃchod pa=/ ngan pa sri yi rgyab-brten ṃa ṃdzad cig/ yang cig srid pa'i tho cig la/ zangs kyis ṃi
po dṃar po cig/ chibs-su zangs rta dṃar po chibs/ phyag na zangs zhags dṃar po bsnaṃs/ snga zhags ṃda'
the noose slithers like a snake. I make you offerings of the yellow libation of gold, I make you an offering of the blue libation of turquoise. Do not support the evil vampire! And again, yang cig srid pa'i tho cig la, a black man of iron, riding a three-legged iron horse as his mount, holding in his hand an iron bow and arrow. First he casts his noose like an arrow, and then it winds like a snake: I offer you the yellow libation of gold, I offer you the blue libation of turquoise. Do not support the evil vampire! And again, yang cig srid pa'i tho cig la, a red man of copper, riding a red copper horse as his mount, and holding in his hand a red copper noose. First 2772a

ltar 'phen cing / phyi zhags sbrul ltar 'dril yi/ gser skyeṃs ser po ṃchod pa=/ g.yu skyeṃs sngon po'i ṃchod
pa=; ngan pa sri'i rgyab-brten ṃa ṃdzad gcig/ yang gcig srid pa'i tho gcig la/ phu'o ya bla bdud po
bcu-drug byung / bu ṃo ṃa bla bdud ṃo bcu-drug byung / rtsangng () skyes bu 'khor-bcas la/ gser-skyeṃs ser po'i ṃchod
pa=/ g.yu skyeṃs sngon po ṃchod=; ngan pa sri'i rgyab-brten ṃa ṃdzad gcig/ gser la yon-tan lnga dang
ldan; ṃe la bsregs kyang ṃi tshig-go/ sa la sbas kyang sa kyi ṃi rdul-lo/ chu la bcug kyang ṃi khyer ro/
rlung la briṃ kyang ṃi bskyod do/ shing gis brdung kyang ṃi chag-go/ chang la yon-tan lnga dang ldan/ lce la
he casts the noose like an arrow, and then the noose winds like a snake. I offer you the yellow libation of gold, I offer you the blue libation of turquoise. Do not support the evil vampire! And again yang cig srid pa'i tho cig la, there appeared the sixteen Ya bla bdud po brothers, there appeared the sixteen Ma bla bdud mo daughters. To [you], the earth-god rTsang rtsang and your retinue of men, I offer the yellow libation of gold, I offer the blue libation of turquoise. Do not support the evil vampire! Gold has five virtues: if it is heated in the fire, it does not burn. If it is buried in the earth it is not turned to dust by the earth; if its placed in water it is not swept away; if it is held out in the wind it is not stirred; if it is beaten with wood it is not broken. Chang has five

reg na skoṃ pa bsel/ khong la song na gzi ṃdang skyed/ blun po sṃra ba'i nus
pa ldan/ sdar ṃa dpa' ba'i stobs dang ldan/ gang gis btung kyang ngar dang ldan/ gser-skyeṃs bdud-rtsi
'di gsol la/ ngan pa sri'i rgyab-brten ṃa ṃdzad cig/ ces brjod la phud phyogs bzhir gtor/ da sri ṃnan pa'i
cho ga la/ rta-g.yag (stag-g.yag) spyang gsuṃ la sogs pa'i thod pa dgu dang rdzas bsogs te/ gser skyeṃs gtor-ṃa ṃnan pa phyir khyer la ṃda' dar
bzung la di skad do/ kyai yul la ṃtshan gsol ba/ ṃi yul skyi 'thing na/ pha dang yab kyis
ṃtshan; pha ni kha rje dur pa yin/ ṃa dang yuṃ gyis ṃtshan/ ṃa ni kha che thang ṃo btsun
virtues: if it touches the tongue, it quenches thirst; if it enters the body it generates radiance (gzi mdang); it gives fools the capacity to speak; it gives cowards heroic strength. Whoever drinks it becomes formidable. Drink the nectar of this golden libation! Do not support the evil vampire! With these words, cast a first-offering to the four directions. For the ritual of subjugating the vampire, collect nine skulls – those of a tiger (or horse?), yak, and wolf among others – as well as other requisites. Take the libation and the gtor ma [mnan pa] (or: the tormas to be subjugated?) outside and, holding the arrow with the coloured ribbons, say as follows:
Kyai! In the land called Mi yul skyi thing, there was a father, and and the father's name was Kha rje dur pa; there was a mother, and the mother's name was Kha che thang mo.

de gnyis srid du gcig sprul pa/ bu ṃo sṃan za kyur ṃa kyur/ de su dang su'i khabs-su bzhes/ rgya
rje rgyal po'i khabs-su bzhes/ lo cig lon pa'i bu gcig skyes/ ṃo rang rnyid pa'i rṃi laṃ la/ ṃo
rang a ṃa 'ong bar rṃis/ khyod kyis bu rdzi ngas byed zer/ nyaṃs nas khyer ste song bar rṃis/ bu ru
ṃa sos chung nas shi/ nas-su ṃa sṃin srug tu zad/ bya ru ṃa byung sgong nga chag/ rtsi ru ṃa byung
dbyar du skaṃ/ yang lo gnyis lon pa'i bu gcig skyes/ ṃo rang gnyid pa'i rṃis laṃ la/ ṃo
rang a che 'ong ba rṃis/ khyod kyis bu rdzi ngas byed zer/ nyaṃs na khyer ste song par rṃis/ bu ru ṃa
de gnyis srid du gcig sprul pa/ a daughter, sMan za kyur ma kyur. And who took her as his wife? It was rGya rje rgyal po who took her as his wife. After one year had passed, a son was born. She had a dream, and dreamed that her mother came. "I shall be the nursemaid of your child," she said. She dreamed that she took her with her, and left. It was not reared into childhood, and died in infancy; it did not ripen into barley, but withered as green grain; it did not become a bird, for the egg was broken; it did not become a fruit, but dried in the summer. After two years had passed, again a child was born. She had a dream, and dreamed that her elder sister came. "I shall be the nursemaid of your child," she said. She dreamed that [her elder sister] took the child with her, and left. It was not reared into childhood,

sos chung nas shi/ nas-su ṃa sṃin srug tu zad/ bya ru ṃa byung sgong ba chag/ rtsi
ru ṃa sṃin dbyar nas skaṃ/ yang lo gsuṃ lon pa'i bu gcig skyes/ ṃo rang gnyid pa'i rṃis laṃ
la; ṃo rang a ne 'ong bar rṃis/ khyod kyis bu rdzi ngas byed zer/ nyaṃs nas khyer ste song par rṃis/
bu ru ṃa sos chung nas shi/ nas-su ṃa sṃin srug tu zad/ bya ru ṃa byung sgong ba chag/ rtsi ru ṃa sṃin
dbyar nas skaṃ/ yang lo bzhi lon pa'i bu gcig skyes/ ṃo rang gnyid pa'i rṃi laṃ la/ ṃo
rang sru ṃo 'ong bar rṃis/ khyod kyis bu rdzi ngas byed zer/ nyaṃs nas khyer ste song par rṃis/ bu ru
and died in infancy; it did not ripen into barley, but withered as green grain; it did not become a bird, for the egg was broken; it did not become a fruit, but dried in the summer. After three years had passed, again a child was born. She had a dream, and dreamed that her paternal aunt came. "I shall be the nursemaid of your child," she said. She dreamed that her [paternal aunt] tookd the child with her, and left. It was not reared into childhood, and died in infancy; it did not ripen into barley, but withered as green grain; it did not become a bird, for the egg was broken; it did not become a fruit, but dried in the summer. After four years had passed, again a child was born. She had a dream, and dreamed that her maternal aunt came. "I shall be the nursemaid of your child," she said. She dreamed that [her maternal aunt] took the child with her, and left. It was not reared into childhood,

ṃa sos chung nas shi/ nas-su ṃa sṃin srug tu zad/ bya ru ṃa byung sgong ba chag/ rtsi ru ṃa byung dbyar
nas skaṃ/ yang lo lnga lon pa'i bu gcig skyes/ ṃo rang gnyis pa'i rṃi laṃ la/ ṃo rang nu
ṃo 'ong bar=/ khyod kyi bu rdzi ngas byed zer/ nyaṃs nas khyer ste song par rṃis/ bu ru ṃa sos chung
nas shi/ nas-su ṃa sṃin srug tu zad/ bya ru ṃa byung sgong ba chag/ rtsi ru ṃi sṃin dbyar nas skaṃ/
yang lo drug lon pa'i bu=/ ṃo rang gnyid pa'i rṃi laṃ la/ ṃo rang bu ṃo yong ba rṃis/ khyod kyis
bu rdzi ngas byed zer/ nyaṃs na khyer de song bar rṃis/ bu ru ṃa sos chung nas=/ nas-su ṃa sṃin
and died in infancy; it did not ripen into barley, but withered as green grain; it did not become a bird, for the egg was broken; it did not become a fruit, but dried in the summer. After five years had passed, again a child was born. She had a dream, and dreamed that her younger sister came. "I shall be the nursemaid of your child," she said. She dreamed that [her younger sister] took the child with her, and left. It was not reared into childhood, it was not reared into childhood, and died in infancy; it did not ripen into barley, but withered as green grain; it did not become a bird, for the egg was broken; it did not become a fruit, but dried in the summer. After six years had passed, again a child was born. She had a dream, and dreamed that her daughter came. "I shall be the nursemaid of your child," she said. She dreamed that [her daughter] took the child with her, and left. It was not reared into childhood, but died in infancy; it did not ripen into barley,

srug tu zad/ bya ru ṃa byung sgong ba=/ rtsi ru ṃa byung dbyar nas=/ yang lo bdun lon
ba'i bu gcig=/ ṃo rang gnyid pa'i rṃi laṃ la/ ṃo rang tsha ṃo 'ong bar=/ khyod kyis bu rdzi ngas
byed zer/ nyaṃs na khyer de song bar=/ bu ru ṃa sos chung du=/ nas-su ṃa sṃin srug=/ bya ru ṃa
byung sgong ba=/ rtsi ru ṃa byung dbyar nas skaṃ/ yang lo brgyad lon pa'i bu gcig=/
ṃo rang gnyid pa'i rṃi laṃ la/ ṃo rang kyung () ṃo 'ong bar rṃis/ khyod kyi bu
rdzi ngas byed zer/ nyaṃs na khyer de song bar rṃing / bu ru ṃa gsos chung du shi/ nas-su ṃa sṃin srug du zad/
but withered as green grain; it did not become a bird, for the egg was broken; it did not become a fruit, but dried in the summer. After seven years had passed, again a child was born. She had a dream, and dreamed that her tsha mo came. "I shall be the nursemaid of your child," she said. She dreamed that [her tsha mo] took the child with her, and left. It was not reared into childhood, and died in infancy; it did not ripen into barley, but withered as green grain; it did not become a bird, for the egg was broken; it did not become a fruit, but dried in the summer. After eight years had passed, again a child was born. She had a dream, and dreamed that her kyung mo came. "I shall be the nursemaid of your child," she said. She dreamed that [her kyung mo] took the child with her, and left. It was not reared into childhood, and died in infancy; it did not ripen into barley, but withered as green grain;

bya ru ṃa byung sgong ba chag/ rtsi ru ṃa sṃin dbyar du bskaṃ/ yang lo dgu lon pa'i bu gcig skyes/ thuṃ thuṃ
gnyid pa'i rṃi laṃ la/ ṃo rang khyiṃs tshes rgan ṃo de'i/ khyod kyis bu rdzi nga byed zer/ nyaṃs na khyer de song
par rṃi/ bu ru ṃa gsos chung du shi/ nas-su ṃa sṃin srus-su zad/ bya ru ṃa sṃin sgong ba chag/ rtsi ru
ṃa byung dbyar du bskaṃ/ de nas ṃa dang nyaṃ nang yud tsaṃ la/ ral pa ṃun nag thibs-se thibs/ stag
thul khra bo gos-su gon/ gzig-gis thig-le bdan du bting / steng na khyo ltas khyo yang ṃed/ chan du bu ltas
bu yang ṃed/ bu dgu pha dgu za ba'i ser ṃo khyod/ ṃi yis ṃthong na ngo re tsha/ sus kyang ṃthong na skyug
it did not become a bird, for the egg was broken; it did not become a fruit, but dried in the summer. After nine years had passed, again a child was born. In a dream she had in a light sleep, her neighbour, an old woman, said, "I shall be the nursemaid of your child." She dreamed that [her elderly neighbour] took the child with her, and left. It was not reared into childhood, and died in infancy; it did not ripen into barley, but withered as green grain; it did not become a bird, for the egg was broken; it did not become a fruit, but dried in the summer. Then after dwelling for a short time with her mother (?de nas ma dang nyam nang yud tsam la/) with black matted locks thibs se thibs, she donned a striped tiger-skin and spread out the spotted hide of a leopard as a seat. There’s no sign of any husband above you, and there’s no sign of any child next to you. You ser mo, who have devoured your nine children, and your nine husbands, whoever saw you would be ashamed! Whoever saw you would vomit!

re bro/_rang gis ltas na zhe re 'khrel/_da lta brag phug stong par 'griṃ/_brag-gis
srin ṃo zhes kyang bya/_da lta g.yen stong kha yangs bskor//_ṃnan pa ci'i thod par ṃnan/_stag lcaṃ
sre ṃong thod par gnan/_de kyang thub la de'i chod/_de'i ṃa thub ṃa chod na/_khyi gu ṃig ṃa phyed pa'i
thod par gnan/_sri ku gu 'bod kyis 'di ru shog//_spyan-'dren 'bod pa'i gnas 'di ru/_sri 'di thul la
rkyen 'di bsel/_'du 'du ṃa ra yA dza dza/_de nas sri 'bod pa la 'di skad do/_bso sru ṃo ṃa gsos tshur nyon
dang;_nga la dgos pa'i dus byung ngo/_sru ṃo ṃa nyal yar la longs/_khyod ṃun pa'i nang la ṃi skyeṃs (skyes-saṃ)
If you looked at yourselves you would be ashamed! Now go and wander the empty caves in the crags; you shall be known as the demonesses of the crags; circle the vast (kha yan OR freely kha yang) empty cliffs (g.yen = g.yang?)! To press you down, in what skull are you to be pressed down? You are to be pressed down in the skull of a weasel, the consort of the tiger (?); you are to be defeated by that, you are to be destroyed by that. If they cannot be overcome thereby, if they cannot be destroyed by that, they are to be pressed down in the skull of a puppy whose eyes have not yet opened. Calling Ho, Vampire! Come here! Here, to this place to which you are invited, subdue these vampires and dispel these obstacles (rkyen bsel = rkyen sel). 'du 'du ma ra yA dza dza. Then, to call the vampire, say as follows: bSo! Uncared-for one, maternal aunt, listen to me! The time has come when I need you! Do not sleep, Maternal Aunt, but rise up! Are you not sad there in the darkness?

de na skyo ba'i yar la shog//_rgya ṃtsho'i gting nas ṃi grang-ngaṃ/_de na grang na yar la shog//_sa riṃs pa
dgu'i 'og tu ṃi lci aṃ/_de na lci na yar la shog//_nga'i bod pa'i gnas 'di na/_za ba'i zas tshad
'di na yod//_btung ba'i btung tshad 'di na yod//_gos ba'i gon tshad 'di na yod//_skyo dus dga' rog
'di na yod//_sru ṃo sa riṃs pa dgu'i 'og nas lo (’ong?) tsaṃ na/_chu srin spir () du rdzus la shog//_sa
riṃs pa gcig-gis steng du thon tsaṃ na/_stag grus ṃo gcig tu rdzus la shog//_gnyis-kyi () steng du
thon tsaṃ na/_doṃ nag gcig tu rdzus la shog/_gsuṃ gyis steng du thon=/_g.yag rog po cig
Instead of feeling sad there, come up! Are you not cold in the depths of the ocean? If you are cold there, come up! Do you not feel weighed down under the nine levels of the earth? If they are heavy on you, come up! Here, in the place to which I'm calling you, there is as much food as you can eat; there is as much to drink as you wish, and all you would want to wear, and a beloved one for when you are sad. Maternal Aunt, once you have come from beneath the nine-tiered earth, […spir] enter into a sea-sprite and come. When you have emerged onto the first level of the earth, enter a stag grus mo and come! Once you have emerged onto the second level of the earth, enter a black bear and come! When you have emerged onto the third level, enter a black yak and come!

du rdzus la=/_bzhi'i steng du thon tsaṃ=/_du ra phag tu rdzus la shog/_lnga'i steng du thon
tsaṃ=/_wa ṃo kha skya gcig tu=/_drug-gis steng du thon=/_sri ra rog po gcig du=/_bdun gyis steng du thon=/
sdoṃ dang sbur par sdzus=/_brgyad kyis steng du thon=/_sre ṃong bu ser gcig tu rdzus la shog/_dgu'i steng du
thon tsaṃ na/_khyod rang dngos-su thon la shog/_'u rang gnyis kyis chad la shog/_bye ṃa'i la dgu bgal
ste shog/_rdza lung dgu la 'dzul la shog/_gnaṃ la 'brug 'dir nyon la=/_sa la ṃtsho 'khyil
lta ba'i shog/_bar na glog 'gyu lta ba'i=/_gzha' tshon sna lnga'i sbubs la=/_lho sprin 'thib pa'i
Once you have emerged onto the fourth, enter a du ra (assembly-place? 'du ra) pig and come; once you have emerged onto the fifth, enter a grey-muzzled fox and come; once you have emerged onto the sixth, enter a black vampire-goat (? sri ra) and come; once you have emerged onto the seventh, enter a spider and an ant and come; once you have emerged onto the eighth, enter yellow-furred (bu = spu?) weasel and come! Once you have emerged onto the ninth, come out as you really are! Come for our special promise. Cross the nine sand passes and come; enter the nine slaty valleys and come; listen to the rumbling of the thunder in the sky and come; see the lake in the earth and come; see the lightning flashing in the sky and come; come into the shelter (sbubs – interior, cocoon, inner space) of this five-coloured rainbow; come under these gathering southern

'og la=/_dung khyiṃs nang du nyal gyin=/_phye ṃar 'o kol za ba'i=/_ṃar chang skyogs-su 'thung gyin=/
gser gyis gyad rdo skyur gyin=/_dung gis cho lo rtsis gyin=/_ṃar khu'i bog ran za gyin=/_bca'
bco kraṃ kruṃ cha ba'i shog/_thug pa sna-tshogs 'thung ba'i=/_sgong ba kha ṃed tshol gyin=/_rde'u dkar-nag
thu ba'i=/_rgyab nas rlung dṃar tshub la=/_ṃdun nas ṃun nag tshub la=/_gzhal-yas dkyil-'khor lta
ba'i=/_gser gyi ri bdun lta ba'i=/_ṃe chu gnyis la lta ba'i=/_ban bon chos la nyan pa'i=/_
rta nag gcig la zhon la=/_thang nag-gcig la rgyug la=/_dngul dkar ṃe long lta ba'i=/_glu dbyangs
clouds; come and sleep in this conch house; come, and let's (? 'o kol appears as 'o kon below) eat this buttered tsampa; come and drink this buttered chang from the ladle; come, and fling these golden boulders; come and cast these conch-shell dice; come and eat this pat (bog ran = 'bog ran?) of melted butter; come, chew and munch on this meat(? kram krum? bca' ba chewing); come and drink this rich soup; come and seek this egg, that has no opening; come and select (? thu) these black and white pebbles; come, with the red storm whirling behind you; come and look at this citadel, this mandala; come and look at the seven golden mountains; come and look at the fire and the water; come and listen to the teachings of the Buddhist and Bonpo priests; come, riding a black horse; come, racing a black eagle; come and look at this mirror of white silver;

gar stabs bsgyur ba'i=/_sru ṃtshan gtaṃ lab sṃra ba'i=/_dang po chad kyis gzhung
la shog//_de skad ces ni sṃra ba dang /_srin ṃo nyal ba'i rṃi laṃ la/_gnaṃ-ṃkha' 'brug chen ldir ba rṃi/
sa la ṃtsho chen 'khyil pa rṃi/_bar la glog ltar 'gyu ba rṃi/_gzha'-'tshonlus la bkras pa rṃi/
gser gyis skas la 'dzeg pa=/_bye ṃa'i la dgu rgal ba=/_rdza lung dgu la 'dzul ba rṃi/_dung
khyiṃs nang du nyal ba=/_sprin nag 'og tu 'cho ba=/_dkyil-'khor gzhal-yas ltas pa=/_zhiṃ ṃngar zas
la za ba=/_phye ṃar 'o kon zas pa/_ṃar chang skyogs la 'thung ba=/_gser gyis gyad rdo kyur ba=/_
come, singing and dancing; come and chat, as sru and mtshan chat; come to this main text of our original promise (? dang po chad kyis gzhung la shog)/ These words are said, and then: the sleeping demoness had a dream, and dreamed that the great dragon in the sky rumbled as thunder; she dreamed of a great ocean in the earth, and of the lightning flashing in the sky; she dreamed of rainbows shining on her body (bkras? ); she dreamed she was climbing a golden ladder; she dreamed she was crossing the nine sand pases, and entering the nine slate valleys; she dreamed she was sleeping in a conch-shell house; she dreamed that she was causing harm (?? 'cho ba) under a black cloud; she dreamed that she saw the immeasurable mandala [palace]; she dreamed she was eating delicious, sweet things; she dreamed she was eating the milky (? 'o kon) buttered tsampa; she dreamed she was drinking buttered chang from the ladle; she dreamed she was flinging golden boulders;

dung gis cho lo rtsis ba=/_rdi'u dkar nag thu ba=/_rgyab nas rlung dṃar 'tshub pa=/_ṃdun nas
ṃun nag 'thibs pa=/_gser gyis ri bdun ltas pa=/_ṃe chu gnyis la ltas pa=/_ban bon
chos la nyan pa=/_ca co kraṃ kruṃ 'cha' bar=/_sgong ba kha ṃed tshol ba=/_rta nag cig la zhon=/
thang nag-gcig la rgyug pa=/_dngul dkar ṃe long ltas ba=/_dga' rogs ṃang po 'phrad pa=/_dga'
ba'i lha bro khrab pa=/_dga' ba'i snying gtaṃ sṃra ba=/_rgya spos dud pa'i bdug pa=/_rṃi laṃ ṃa rṃing dgu
yang rṃing/_dgu gnyis log po bco-brgyad rṃi/_rṃi laṃ ṃi ngan rṃi laṃ bzang /_nang par naṃ langs rgung
she dreamed she was casting (or doing divinitations with) conch-shell dice; she dreamed she was choosing (?) white and black pebbles; she dreamed that a storm was whirling at her back, and that the darkness was gathering in front of her; she dreamed that she saw the seven golden hills; she dreamed that she saw the fire and the water; she dreamed she was listening to the teachings of the Buddhist and Bonpo priests; she dreamed she was chewing, crunching and munching; she dreamed she was looking for eggs, that have no opening; she dreamed she was riding a black horse; she dreamed she was running on a black plain; she dreamed she was looking at a mirror of white silver; she dreamed she met many beloved ones; she dreamed she was dancing a delightful divine dance; she dreamed she was having a delightful intimate conversation; she dreamed of the sweet fragrance of Chinese incence; she dreamed… (? ma rming dgu yang rming: rming = rmi?); she dreamed it twice nine, eighteen times, not a bad dream, but a sweet dream; the next morning, at the

sangs la;_srin ṃo a ṃa'i drung du phyin/_ṃdang gsuṃ nyal ba'i rṃi laṃ bshad/_ṃi
yul gling du 'gro ba'i zer/_rigs ngan dug ṃchu zhal na re/_bu ṃo ṃa gsos legs ṃa khyod/
skyes kyang bu ṃo rigs ngan skyes/_sṃra kyang snyan pa ci yang ṃed/_gnaṃ la 'brug chen ldir ba ni/
bon po'i lha rnga gsas rnga yin/_sa la ṃtsho ltar 'khyil ba de/_sri chang skyogs gang ltaṃ pa yin/
bar na glog dṃar 'khyug pa de/_bon po'i lha bdar gsas bdar yin/_gser gyis skas la 'dzeg
pa ste/_sri laṃ skya ṃor zhugs pa yin/_bye ṃa'i la dgu rgal ba ste/_sa riṃ pa dgu'i 'og nas
break of day, she went to see her demoness mother, and told her the dream she had had while she had been asleep that night. "I'm going to the land of humans," she said. Rig ngan dug mchu (Low-caste poison-lips) said, "Daughter, Lovely Uncared-for One, though you were born, you were born an outcaste; though I speak, you do not listen at all (or: what you say is not at all pleasant to hear)! That thundering of the great dragon in the sky is the lha-drum, the gsas-drum of the Bonpo! What seemed to be a lake in the earth is the ladle filled with vampire-beer; the lightning that flashed red in the sky is the lha-cloth, the gsas-cloth of the Bonpo; as for your climbing the golden ladder, you entered the pale path of the vampires; as for your crossing the nine sandy passes, you

thon pa yin/_rdza lung dgu la 'dzul ba ste/_sri lung dgu la 'dzul ba yin/_dung khyiṃs nang
du nyal ba ste/_khyi thod skya ṃor nyal ba yin/_sprin nag 'og tu nyal ba de/_re ba nag-po'i
gtuṃ pa yin/_gzha'-'tshon lus la 'khyil ba ste/_bal ṃtshon sna lnga'i bcings pa yin/_rgya spos
dud pa bdug pa ste/_rdzas ngan dud pa bdug pa yin/_gser gyis gyad rdo kyur pa ste/_'bras ser
gyad rdo gyur pa yin/_phye ṃar 'o skol za ba de/_rang sha rang gis za ba yin/_ṃar chang skyogs
la 'thung ba ste/_rang khrag rang gis 'thung ba yin/_ca co kraṃ gruṃ 'cha' ba ste/_rang rus rang gis
emerged from beneath the nine-tiered earth. As for your entering the nine slaty valleys, you actually entered the nine valleys of the vampire; sleeping inside a conch-shell house, was actually you sleeping inside the pale skull of a dog; sleeping beneath a black cloud was you being wrapped up in a black goathair sack (re ba); the rainbow colours that swirled about your body – that was you being bound with wool of five colours; the sweet-smelling Chinese incense – that was the smell of the smoke of the five bad requisites; throwing the golden boulders – that was the casting of the boulders of yellow rice (??? = the stones thrown in the ritual? ); eating buttered tsampa boiled in butter (here 'o skol) – that was you eating your own flesh; drinking buttered chang in a ladle – that was you drinking your own blood; chewing, crunching and munching – that was you

ṃur ba yin/_thug pa sna-tshogs 'thung ba ste/_rgyu ṃa'i 'gyur dang zhag pa yin/_sgong
ba kha ṃed tshol ba de/_rang gis snying kha phye ba yin/_dung gis cho lo rtse ba de/_khyed gnyis phaṃ rgyal
rtsod pa yin/_rde'u dkar nag thu ba de/_las dge sdig shan tang rtsis ba yin/_rgyab na rlung dṃar
tshub pa de/_las kyis rlung gis ded pa yin/_ṃun nag ṃdun nas bsu ba de/_srid pa'i ṃun nag
'thibs pa yin/_dngul dkar ṃe long lta ba de/_las-kyi ṃe long lta ba yin/_gzhal-yas dkyil-'khor lta
ba de;_sri dong zur gsuṃ rko ba yin/_gser gyis ri bdun lta ba de/_ri rab brjid kyis ṃnan pa yin/
gnawing your own bones; drinking the soup with many ingredients – that was your intestines being twisted (?) and torn into pieces (zhag pa); looking for the egg that has no opening – that was you opening up your own heart; playing (note rtse, not rtsi as above) with the conch-shell dice – that was the two of you vying over victory and defeat; choosing (?) the white and black pebbles – that was the calculation (shan tang?) of the extent of your virtue or sin; the tempest whirling behind you – that was you being driven by the winds of karma; the darkness that received you – that was the darkness of existence gathering about you; looking into the mirror of white silver – that was you looking into the mirror of your karma; the immeasurable mandala that you saw – that was the triangular vampire pit that will be dug; the seven golden hills you saw – that was Sumeru crushing you with its weight.

ṃe chu gnyis la lta ba de/_tsha grang dṃyal bar chud pa yin/_bon dang chos la nyan pa de/_rnaṃs
sṃin dge sdig bshad pa yin/_dga' rogs ṃang po phrad pa de/_'u rang ṃa sṃad dgu po yin/_dga'
ba'i bro glu khrab pa ste/_khyod slu ba ṃkhan gyi slu ba yin/_bu ṃo rṃi laṃ ṃi bzang rṃi laṃ ngan/_song
par ṃi drag bros pa drag/_bros par ṃi drag yib par drag/_de skad sṃra nas gab tu bcug/_bu
ṃo daṃ zur legs ṃa de/_lcags ṃkhar sgo ṃed nang shed du/_gser sgroṃ nang du nyal du bcug/_de nas sri
gab pa dang 'gugs pa dang /_bros nas bgugs 'ded la 'di skad do/_bswo 'byung po las ngan gnod byed khyed/_khyod
the fire and water you saw – that was you being plunged into the hot and cold hells; the sacred teachings of the Bonpos and Buddhists that you heard – that was an explanation of the ripening of your virtues and sins; your meeting with many dear friends – those were your nine kinswomen; that delightful singing and dancing – that was the enticement of your deceivers! My daughter, that was not a good dream, that was a terrible dream! Rather than go on you should flee; rather than fleeing you should hide!" And with these words she concealed her daughter. She lay her down, her daughter Dam zur legs ma, in a doorless iron castle, inside a golden box. Then for the concealment and the fetching of the vampire, and for chasing it back after it has fled, recite as follows: bSwo! Ill-fated, noxious demon!

kyis ci byas ci bsaṃ yang /_khyed kyis bsaṃ pa ye ṃi 'grub/_de bas ṃnan pa'i
'og tu nyol/_bdagis (bdag gis) bka' la ṃa 'da' cig/_galte (gal te) bka’ la 'das gyur na/_khyod kyis
bros pa'i gnas btsal kyang /_nga'i 'od zer shugs kyis 'gugs/_sri naṃkha'i (naṃ ṃkha’i) khaṃs-su bros nyaṃs ste/_rdzul (rdzu ’phrul)
ṃkha' (lding) ṃgo can gyis/_naṃ-ṃkha'i khaṃs nas sri khug cig/_gangs dkar gdong la sri bros na/
seng ge'i ṃgo can khyod song la/_gangs dkar gdong nas sri khug cig/_g.ya' ṃa sngo la sri
bros na/_so bya'i ṃgo can khyod song la/_g.ya' ṃa sngo nas sri khug cig/_ri spang 'tshaṃs-su
whatever you do, and whatever you plan, your intentions will never be fulfilled; rather, lie below what crushes you down; do not deviate from my command! If you do deviate from my command, even if you seek a place to flee to, I shall fetch you back with the force of rays of light; if you consider fleeing to the realm of the sky, the one with the head of the magical sky-soarer will bring you back! If she thinks of fleeing to the realm of the sky, you, O one with the head of the sky-soarer, bring the vampire back from the realm of the sky. If the vampire flees to the face of the white snow-mountain, go, lion-headed one, and fetch her from the face of the white snow-mountain! If the vampire flees to the blue slates, go, cormorant-headed one, and fetch her from the blue slates! if the vampire flees to the edges of the alpine meadows,

sri bros na/_sha ba'i ṃgo can khyod song la/_ri spang 'tshaṃs nas sri=/_roṃ po'i rdza la sri bros
na;_spyang khu'i ṃgo can khyod=/_rdza'i seb nas sri khug cig/_brag dṃar logs la sri bros=/
srin bya'i ṃgo can khyod=/_brag dṃar gdong nas sri khug=/_sribs ri nag la sri bros=/_gtuṃ
chen doṃ ṃgo khyod song=/_sribs ri nags nas sri=/_drurod (dur khrod) nags la sri bros=/_wa ṃo'i
ṃgo can khyod=/_ drurod (dur khrod) gnas nas sri=/_rgya ṃtsho'i gting du sri=/_sraṃ chen gong sngon khyod song=/
rgya ṃtsho'i gting nas=/_sa gzhi dkyil du sri bros=/_phag rgod ṃgo can khyod=/_sa gzhi'i
go, deer-headed one, and retrieve her from the alpine pastures! If the vampire flees to the massy clay-slate, go, you with the wolf's head and fetch her back from the midst of the clay-slates! If the vampire flees to the side of the red cliffs, go, screech owl (srin bya) and bring her back from the face of the red cliffs! if the vampire flees to the dark shaded hillside, go, you with the head of the raging bear, and fetch her from the dark shaded hillside! If the vampire flees to the cemetery forest, go, fox-headed one, and fetch her from the cemetery! If the vampire flees to the bottom of the ocean, go, great otter with the blue gang (??), and fetch her from the depths of the ocean! If the vampire flees to the centre of the earth, go, you with the head of the wild boar, and

dkyil nas sri khug=/_laṃ chen 'og tu sri bros=/_rngaṃ chen dred ṃong khyod song=/_
laṃ chen 'og nas sri khug=/_khang gog bseb tu sri bros=/_'ug pa'i ṃgo can khyod song=/
khang gog bseb nas sri=/_theṃs pa'i 'og tu sri bros=/_khyi'i ṃgo can khyod=/_theṃs pa'i
'og nas sri khug cig/_thab ka'i 'og tu sri bros na/_g.yag-gis ṃgo can khyod song la/
thab ka'i 'og nas sri khug cig/_sri a g+hu sha rni dza/_da ngan pa sri'i rṃi laṃ la/_naṃ ṃkha'i
khaṃs-su bros nyaṃs na/_naṃ-ṃkha'i khaṃs su sri bros nas/_bya khyung thod par sri ṃnan-no/_shi na sri ngan gar
retrieve her from the centre of the earth! If the vampire flees beneath the highway, go, fearsome brown bear, and bring her back from beneath the highway! If the vampire flees to the midst of the ruins, go, owl-headed one, and retrieve her from the ruins! If the vampire flees beneath the threshold, go, dog-headed one, and retrieve her from beneath the threshold! If the vampire flees beneath the hearth, go, yak-headed one, and retrieve her from under the hearth! sri aghu sha rni dza.

shi shi;_brlag na sri ngan gar brlag brlag/_ngan pa sri'i rṃi laṃ la/_ri spang 'tshaṃs-su bros nyaṃs
na;_sha ba rwa bcu'i thod par=/_shi na sri ngan gar shi shi/_brlag na sri ngan gar rlag rlag/_ngan
pa sri'i rṃi laṃ la/_brag dṃar logs la bros nyaṃs=/_'ug pa'i thod par sri ṃnan-no/_shi na sri
ngan gar shi=/_brlag na sri ngan gar rlag=/_ngan pa sri'i rṃi laṃ la/_g.ya' dang rdza la bros nyaṃs=/
g.ya' dang rdza la bros pa na/_gong gsuṃ rgyug pa'i thod par ṃnan/_shi na sri ngan gar shi shi/
brlag na sri ngan gar brlag=/_ngan pa sri'i rṃi laṃ la/_sa ghzi'i dkyil du bros nyaṃs na/

sa gzhi'i dkyil du bros pa na/_dbyi gsa' 'phar ba'i thod par ṃnan/_shi na
sri ngan gar shi=/_brlag na sri ngan gar brlag=/_ngan pa sri'i rṃi laṃ la/_g.ya' spang 'tshaṃsu (’tshaṃs su) bros
nyaṃs na/_g.ya' spang 'tshaṃs-su bros pa=/_dbyi dang gsa'i thod=/_shi na sri ngan gar shi=/_brlag na sri
ngan gar brlag=/_ngan pa sri'i rṃi laṃ la/_srib ri nags la bros nyaṃs ste/_srib ri nags la bros
pa nas/_doṃ dang dred ṃong thod par ṃnan/_shi na sri ngan gar shi shi/_brlag na sri ngan gar brlagg (brlag brlag)/
ngan pa sri'i rṃi laṃ la;_rgya ṃtsho'i gting du bros nyaṃs ste/_rgya ṃtsho'i gting du bros pa nas/_'gyur

sraṃ gong sngon thod par=/_shi na sri ngan gar shi shi/_brlag na sri ngan gar brlagg (brlag brlag)/_ngan pa sri'i rṃi laṃ
la;_rtsig pa'i bseb tu bros nyaṃs te/_rtsig pa bseb tu bros pa=/_byi ba zang ṃa'i thod par=/_shi
na sri ngan gar shi shi/_brlag na sri ngan gar brlagg (brlag brlag)/_ngan pa sri'i rṃi laṃ la/_theṃ pa'i 'og tu
bros nyaṃs=/_theṃs pa'i 'og tu bros pa=/_ṃi 'chor g.yagis (g.yag gis) thod par=/_shi na sri ngan gar shi shi/
brlag na sri ngan gar brlag=/_ngan pa sri'i rṃi laṃ la/_thab ka'i 'og tu bros nyaṃs=/_thab ka'i
'og tu bros pa=/_gu gu khyi'i thod par ṃnan/_shi na sri ngan gar shi shi/_brlag na sri ngan gar

brlag; rnri a ghu sha dza dza/ ’oder (’od zer) thyes’i (thugs rje’i) bkug la gnod byed thaṃd (thaṃs cad) bsten la bstiṃs/ ’di’i skabsu (skabs su) sri ṃnan
pa’i ’phrins (’phrin las) dang/ gze gyad spar gsuṃ bskul ste ’gugso (’gugs so)/ de ni gdaṃ la ’di skad do/ bswo sru ṃo ṃa nyal yar la shog/
dang po chad pa’i gzhung la shog// ṃnan rjes chad pa’i don la shog// bu ṃo ṃa gsos legs ṃa
khyod; ṃing nas bos bar ṃi nyanṃ (nyan naṃ)/ ṃtshan nas bos na ṃi btsunṃ (btsun naṃ)/ srog nas drangs na ṃi tsha’aṃ/
bden pa’i tshig la ṃi nyanṃ (nyan naṃ)/ las la ’bras bu sṃin par ṃa shesṃ (shes saṃ)/ khyod srin yul ṃun pa’i
nang du ṃi gdugṃ (gdug gaṃ)/ ṃun pa’i nang du snang ba skyo// de ru ṃa nyal yar la shog// sri dug ṃtsho’i nang

du ṃi sdugṃ (sdug gaṃ)/ de nas drong la yar la shog// sa riṃs pa dgu’i zhabs la ṃi lci’aṃ/ de nas lci na
yar la shog// gzha’^on (gzha’ ’tshon) lnga’i dbusu (dbus su) shog// sprin nag gtibs pa’i ’og tu shog// dung khyiṃs nang du
nyal gyin shog// gser gyi skas la ’dzeg gyin shog// bye ṃa’i la dgu rgal gyin=/ rdza lung dgu
la ’dzul la=/ sri zas khaṃsuṃ (khaṃs gsuṃ) za ba’i=/ sri chang hub gsuṃ ’thung ba’i=/ phye ṃar ’o skol za
ba’i shog; ṃar chang skyogs la ’thung ba’i=/ gser gyis gyad rdo skyur ba’i=/ ca co kraṃ kruṃ ’cha’
ba’i=/ ṃar khu’i bog ran za ba’i=/ thug pa sno^gs (sna tshogs) ’thung ba’i=/ sgong ba kha ṃed tshol ba’i=/

gnaṃ la ’brug ldir nyan gyin=/ sa la ṃtsho ’khyil lta ba’i=/ bar la glog ’gyu
lta ba’i shog// dung gi cho lo rtse=/ rde’u dkar nag thu gyin=/ rgyab nas rlung dṃar ’tshub la=/ ṃdun
nas ṃun nag ’thibs la=/ dkyilor (dkyil ’khor) gzhals (gzhal yas) lta ba’i=/ spos dkar dri la snuṃ la=/ zhiṃs
dgu zas la za ba’i=/ rta nag gcig la zhon la=/ thang nagcig (thang nag gcig) la rgyug la=/ dngul dkar ṃe
long lta ba’i=/ glu gar rol ṃo khrab pa’i=/ dga’ ba’i snying gdaṃ lab=/ ’u rang sru ṃtshan ’phrad du=/
dang po chad pa’i gzhung la shog// do nub tsaṃ pa’i dga’ ba ṃed/ do nub tsaṃ pa’i skyid pa ṃed/ do nub

grogs pa’i gzhung la shog// bka’ la ṃa ’da’ daṃ la shog// ces byas la sri bkugo (bkug go)/ da ni thod rabs
’byung ste; srin ṃo nag ṃo des/ sri dong nas lan zhuso (zhus so?) pa’o/ ston pa gshenb (gshen rab) tshur gson dang/ ngas ni dri
ba btang ba’i tshogs/ btang rung ṃi gnod lha btsan yin/ sngon gyi skal (dang) po la/ sri zhes bya ba
ṃing yang ṃed/ btsan zhes bya ba ṃtshan yang ṃed/ sri zhes bya ba yod pa na/ dang po pho sri
gang nas langs/ pho sri rdzu ba ci ru drzu/ pho sri ṃnan pa gang du ṃnan/ ṃo sri langs pa gang nas
langs; ṃo sri rdzu ba ci ru rdzu/ ṃo sri ṃnan pa gang du ṃnan/ chung sri langs ba gang nas lang/

chung sri rdzu ba ci ru rdzu/ chung sri ṃnan pa gang du ṃnan/ dgra sri lang pa gang du
langs; dgra sri rdzu ba ci ru rdzu/ dgra sri ṃnan pa gang du ṃnan/ phung sri lang ba gang nas langs/
phung sri rdzu ba ci ru rdzu/ phung sri ṃnan pa gang du ṃnan/ god sri langs ba gang nas langs/ god
sri rdzu ba ci ru rdzus/ god sri ṃnan pa gang du ṃnan/ nor sri lang ba gang nas langs/ nor
sri rdzu ba ci ru rdzus/ nor sri ṃnan pa gang du ṃnan/ dur sri lang ba gang nas langs/ dur sri
rdzu ba ci ru rdzus/ dur sri ṃnan pa gang du ṃnan/ sri’i ṃnan lugs ṃa shes na/ ’a ’bu

ṃnan pa don re chung/ ces zhuso (zhus so) yang zhus pa/ kyee (kye kye) ston pa gshenbs (gshen rabs) zhal nas re/ daṃ sri nogṃ (nag ṃo)
tshur nyon dang/ sngon gyi bskal pa dang po la/ srin ri nag po’i rtsa ba ru/ sa srin ṃgo chen bshos
pa la; phung sri nag ṃo spun dgu byung/ ’jigten (’jig rten) khaṃs rnaṃs phung par byas/ de nas skye ba phyi ṃa la/
yul ni e tra rgyal khaṃsu (khaṃs su)/ pha ni shan pa sri chen dang/ ṃa ni rigs ngan dug chu ṃa/ bu ni doṃ lag
de la skyes/ ’dul ba’i gnyen po khas blangs pas/ ston pa nga’i ’dul bya byas/ khyod kyis rigs ni
nga’i shes/ pho sri gangs dkar gdongs nas langs/ rdzu ba g.yag po dkar por rdzu/ ṃnan pa g.yag

ru g.yon par ṃnan/ gangs dkar gdongsu (gdongs su) ṃnan pa na/ pho’i pho sri gnon par
nges/ sri ṃnan kyang ṃnan ste non kyang non/ pho’i pho sri brubo (brub bo) nan/ ṃo sri rgyal ṃtsho’i gting
nas langs/ rdzu ba khyi ṃo nag ṃor rdzu/ khi’i thod pa’i nang du ṃnan/ rgya ṃtsho’i gting (ru) ṃnan
pa na; ṃo’i ṃo sri gnon par nges/ sri ṃnan kyang ṃnan la non kyang non/ ṃo’i ṃo sri brubo (brub bo)
nan; chung sri nyal sa’i ’og nas langs/ rdzu ba phag sbrul khyi ru rdzu/ khyi phag ra lug thod par
ṃnan; nyal sa’i ’og tu ṃnan pa na/ chung ba’i chung sri non par nges/ sri ṃnan kyang ṃnan

la non kyang non/ chung gsuṃ chung sri brub po ṃnan/ dgra sri la rtsas ’og nas langs/ rdzu ba
spyang khu sngon por rdzus/ spyang khu sngon po’i thod par ṃnan/ la rtsas ’og tu ṃnan pa na/ dgra’i
dgra sri gnon par nges/ sri ṃnan kyang ṃnan la non kyang non/ dgra’i dgra sri brubo (brub po OR brub bo?) nan/ phung
sri khyiṃs kyis phugs nas langs/ rdzu ba stag lcaṃ sre ṃon rdzus/ stag lcaṃ sre ṃong thod par nan/
grogs po phugs sdug ṃdo ru ṃnan/ phung ba’i phung sri non par nges/ sri ṃnan kyang ṃnan la
non kyang non/ phung gsuṃ phung sri brubo nan/ dur sri dur gyi ’og nas langs/ rdzu ba wa ṃo kha

skyar rdzu/ wa ṃo kha skya’i thod par=/ dur gyis bseb nas dur sri=/ dur gyi dur sri non
par nges/ sri ṃnan kyang ṃnan la non kyang=/ dur gyis dur sri brubo nan/ phugs sri ra ba’i dkyil
nas langs/ rdzu ba dred ṃong rog por=/ dred ṃong rog po’i thodr (thod par)=/ ra ba’i dkyil du ṃnan pa na/
phugsyi (phugs kyi) phugs sri non par nges/ sri ṃnan kyang ṃnan ste non kyang non/ phugs kyis phugs sri
brubo nan/ god sri theṃs pa’i ’og nas langs/ rdzu ba bong bu rga par rdzu/ bong bu ga pa’i thod par nan/

non;; god kyi god sri brubo nan/ srin ṃo ṃnano ṃa ldang cig/ ces gsungso (gsungs so)/ yang zhus pa (ka)
yang srin ṃo nag ṃo ṃchid na re/ ston pa gshen rabs tshur gsan dang/ srin ṃo thod par ṃnan
pa la; thod pa’i thod rabs bshad du gsol// ṃi rigs gsuṃ brgya drug cu la/ thod rigs gsuṃ brgya
drug cu yod// thod rigs gsuṃ brgya drug cu la/ lding gsuṃ lding ba’i thod gsuṃ yod// grol gsuṃ grol
ba’i thod gsuṃ yod// bkra gsuṃ bkra ba’i thod gsuṃ yod// ’dzul gsuṃ ’dzul ba’i thod gsuṃ yod//

gsuṃ yod; ṃnan du ṃi ’dod thod gsuṃ yod/ ṃnan kyang ṃi non thod gsuṃ yod/
ṃnan pa ṃi dgos thod gsuṃ yod/ ṃnan du ṃi rung thod gsuṃ yod/ ṃed thabs ṃed pa’i thod gsuṃ
yod; ṃnan pa bkris (bkra shis) thod gsuṃ yod/ gnaṃ sa bar gyis thod gsuṃ yod/ thod gsuṃ zer ba gang
la zer/ bragis (brag gis) thod pa gang la zer/ g.ya’i thod pa gang la zer/ chu’i thod pa gang la zer/ ṃe’i
thod pa gang la zer/ lcagsyi (lcags kyi) thod pa gang la zer/ shing gis thod pa gang la zer/ srin ṃo’i de skad

ri rabs bskyed na ṃnan/ tha ṃa ri rab ’og tu ṃnan/ ṃnan pa ci’i thod par ṃnan/ bdud g.yag
rog po’i thod par ṃnan/ de kyang thub la de’i kyang chod/ ṃo sri rgya ṃtsho’i gting nas langs/ bar du rgya
ṃtsho’i gting du ṃnan/ tha ṃa rgya ṃtsho’i ’og tu ṃnan/ ṃnan pa ci’i thod par ṃnan/ btsan
rta dṃar po’i thod par ṃnan/ des kyang thub la des kyang chod/ chung sri rtsig pa’i ’graṃ nas langs/ bar
du rtsig pa’i ’graṃ du ṃnan/ tha ṃa rtsig pa ’og tu ṃnan/ ṃnan pa ci’i thod par ṃnan/ stag
lcaṃ sre ṃong thod par=/ des kyang thub la=/ phung sri drog po’i logs nas langs/ bar du grog po’i logs

la mnan;_tha ma lam gyis 'og tu mnan/_mnan pa ci'i thod par=/
sgo khyi rgya bo'i thod par mnan/_des kyang thub la des kyang=/_dgra sri la rtsas 'og nas langs/
bar du la rtsas logs la=/_tha ma la rtsas 'og du=/_mnan pa ci'i thod par=/_spyang khu sngon-po'i
thod par=/_des kyang thub la des=/_dur sri dur gyis dkyil nas langs/_bar du dur gyis logs la=/
tha ma dur gyis 'og tu=/_mnan pa ci'i thod par=/_du ra phag-gis thod par=/_des kyang thub la=/
god sri them pa'i 'og nas langs/_tha ma thems pa'i 'og tu=/_mnan pa ci'i thod par=/_sgo khyi

nag po'i thod par=_des kyang thub la des kyang=/_dam sri sa'i 'og nas langs/_tha ma sa'i 'og du
mnan=/_mnan pa ci'i thod par mnan/_dam sri byi la'i thod par mnan/_des kyang thub la
des kyang chod//_sri ku gu 'bod kyis 'di ru shog//_'bod pa'i gnas 'dir la 'ur shog//_pha khu'i
rgan sri thul la shog//_ma bu'i byur sri thul la shog//_skyes pa'i dar sri thul la=/_byi sba'i
chung sri thul=/_sri dgu 'dre bcu thul la=/_dul dul nan ma ra ya dza dza/_des nas ting-'dzin migs
pa'i legs par bkug la mnan pa ni/_bos lus po mi'i lus po la/_mgo bo g.yag-gis mgo bo

can;_khyod ni sri'i rgyal po yin/_nga yang pho sri dul ba'i rgyal po yin/_khyod
drang ngo 'gal ba'i kha la drang /_brub-po thod pa'i nang du brub/_bra-bo nyung dkar thun gis brab/_sad-do () phur
pa'i dbal gyis sod/_kha nas mnol () tsog lhabs-se lhabs/_lag () la tsha tsha tha la la/
skyon no 'khor lo'i rtsib la skyon/_rdzang ngo srin thod nang du rdzang/_mnan-no ri rabs 'og tu mnan/
lus po mi'i lus po la/_mgo bo wa'i mgo bo can/_khyod kyang mo sri'i rgyal po yin/_nga
ang mo sri 'dul ba'i rgyal-po yin/_khyod drang ngo 'gal ba'i kha la drang /_rdzang ngo srin dong nang du rdzangs/