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please note that the Doctoral College (Initiativkolleg): “Cultural Transfers and Cross-Contacts in the Himalayan Borderlands” has ended and our website will no longer be updated.
For information on our ongoing research, events and activities please refer to the website of our Center for Interdisciplinary Research and Documentation of Inner and South Asian Cultural History (CIRDIS).
Rolf Scheuermann
When Sūtra meets Tantra. sGam po pa's Four Dharma doctrine as an example for his synthesis of the bKa' gdams-and Mahāmudrā-systems
Supervisor: Univ. Prof. Dr. Klaus-Dieter Mathes
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Rolf Scheuermann is a PhD candidate in Tibetan and Buddhist Studies. Having graduated from the Karmapa International Buddhist Institute, New Delhi (2004), he continued his studies in New Delhi, Kathmandu, Heidelberg and Vienna, and received a Mag. phil. with distinction in Tibetan and Buddhist Studies from the University of Vienna (2010). His PhD project at the Doctoral College (Initiativkolleg) examines sGam po pa bSod nams rin chen’s (1079–1153) highly influential, though so far relatively neglected, Four Dharma doctrine (dwags po chos bzhi). Focusing largely on its content, reception history and relationship with similar doctrines, the study aims at a better understanding of the cultural transfer processes surrounding the formation of the early Dwags po bka' brgyud traditions’ doctrinal system.